Contact Us

Seattle Metropolitan Aquatic Club leadership and staff wants to promote an open dialog with the SMAC Membership. If you have any comments or concerns, we encourage you to contact your swimmer's primary coach (staff emails listed here), Head Coach Ken Spencer, or the Board

Swimmers and parents looking to have longer discussions with coaches are encouraged to arrange a meeting with the coach at least 24 hours in advance.  This courtesy is very much appreciated.  Coaches often have practices back to back, sometimes at different locations, and scheduling a meeting allows coaches to make any necessary arrangements.  

Outside of emergencies, coaches do not talk with parents during practice times.  Practices are coaches time with the athletes.  Before or after practices is a great time to ask a quick question. 

You can contact SMAC by mail at:

Seattle Metropolitan Aquatic Club

PO Box 22564

Seattle, WA 98122


Office Phone: (206) 486-5486

For questions regarding: