Booster Club 

Seattle Metropolitan Aquatic Club (SMAC) is a parent-run team. Together with our Head Coach, and our Board of Directors, the Booster Club focuses on the community activities that rounds out the swim team experience.

Our Booster Club is comprised of parents that volunteer their time to help the club be successful in the following area’s

  • Community Building, Social Events, Fundraising
  • Meet Hosting, Officials, and Safe Sport
  • Other Dry Side activities

We meet monthly, and all members are welcome to attend.  Monthly meeting dates are listed under meets, with contact information and further details.

Monthly Booster Club Meeting Minutes

2023-2024 Season  Sept  Oct  Nov  Dec  Jan  Feb  March  April  May/June (combined mtg)  July

2022-2023 Season  Sept  Oct  Nov  Dec  Jan  Feb  March   April  May  June  July

2021-2022 Season  Sept  Oct  Nov  Dec  Jan  Feb  March  April  May  June  July

2020-2021 Season  Aug   Sept   Oct   Nov (no meeting)   Dec   Jan   Feb   March   April   May    June   July


Booster Board Leadership

Booster President

Laurie Robbins


Lisa Manning

Fundraising Director

Open - Please contact Laurie Robbins if interested

Officials and Safe Sport Director

 Shawn Moon

Meet Director

 Caroline Johnson 

Membership Director

 Tanya Prieto

Social Director

 Lynne Kress

Volunteer Director

 Tiah Estes