Hamstring Flexibility = Deeper Kick
Hamstring Flexibility = Deeper Kick
The hamstrings are some of the most important muscles when it comes to everyday living. When it comes to swimming, strong hamstrings help bring our heels to our bottom during breaststroke kick, help with the upsweeping motion in dolphin kick, and are the foundation for explosive starts/turns.
Today we will focus more on what optimal hamstring range of motion can help us with in swimming, especially with our dolphin kick. Below are two still shots of two of the best butterflyers in recent history (Kristoff Milak and Rikako Ikee). The big thing to look at is the angel created between their hips, knees and feet. Notice how their knees are on the same level as their hips, but how their feet seem to kick deeper down.
Hamstring flexibility plays a huge role in being able to achieve this deeper kick. A deeper kick will allow us to generate more propulsion moving forward; this conclusion also applies to flutter kick as well. If you believe that you are not a “great” kicker yet, ask yourself, “Are my hamstrings flexible?”
The following stretches/exercises will help increase your hamstring flexibility and help us achieve that optimal range of motion that will allow us to kick deeper in our dolphin and flutter kick. They are instructed to be done based on what your position is performing a pike stretch. Choose the level appropriate for you and do it 3-5x/week for up to 6 weeks (GIFs/Videos below attached in hyperlinks are the visual representations for each individual motion).
Level 1: I can hardly reach my knees in a pike stretch.
Warm Up
2x10reps Side to Side Leg Swings
2x10reps Front and Back Leg Swings
2x10reps Waiters Bow (aka Hip Hinge)
Two rounds of the following Banded Hamstring Stretches
10 Supine, Straight Leg Kicks: Drive heel to the ground working against the tension of the band and kick back up.
10 Second Straight Leg Hold: Hold the high position while pulling on the band. Do not let the leg win.
20 Heel Drives: Pull hard as you bend/straighten your knee! The idea is to momentarily hit a stretch that would otherwise be unbearable. You should always be able to lock your knee. If you can’t, back off just a bit.
10 Second Bent Leg Hold: Bend knee and pull band hard. Simultaneously try to push the bottom of your foot up and overhead. You should feel a deep stretch in your high hamstring.
10 Supine, Straight Leg Kicks: Same as first exercise, notice how much range of motion (ROM) you have gained.
Level 2: I can almost touch my toes.
Warm Up
2x10reps Side to Side Leg Swings
2x10reps Front and Back Leg Swings
2x10reps Waiters Bow (aka Hip Hinge)
One round of the Banded Hamstring Stretches (from above)
10 Supine, Straight Leg Kicks
10sec Straight Leg Hold
20 Heel Drives
10sec Bent Leg Hold
10 Supine, Straight Leg Kicks
Main Stretch: Single Leg Good Mornings
3 sets x 10 reps with 15sec holds on the final rep of each set.
90seconds rest between sets.
Knee should remain locked out
Level 3: I can touch the ground
Warm Up
2x10reps Side to Side Leg Swings
2x10reps Front and Back Leg Swings
1x15reps with 15sec hold on final rep of Single Leg Good Mornings
Main Stretches: Alternate sets / Pair these two exercises together:
3x10reps with 15sec hold at the bottom of last rep with Jefferson Curl
3x10reps of Kneeling Hip Bridges
Finish with one round of the Banded Hamstring Stretches (from above)
10 Supine, Straight Leg Kicks
10sec Straight Leg Hold
20 Heel Drives
10sec Bent Leg Hold
10 Supine, Straight Leg Kicks